Monday, April 1, 2013

My Home-Birth

 I decided to write this post and not keep details back because I want people to see what a home-birth can be. What women are capable of, and the true story about my birth. if you will be offended by some personal pictures or terms....just leave.

WARNING--This post is not intended for those who will freak out at any words related to birth, the immature man, or young minded fools. ---nor the grammar nerds...its not my thing. get over it.

"Are you crazy?" is the response I usually get after explaining we will not be going to Holland, OR Zeeland hospital for this baby to be born. This would happen after questions like "when will you be induced?" or "are you having a scheduled cesarean?" [face palm]  Absolutely not. People may think my husband and I are crazy hippies for avoiding a Hospital for something that millions of women have done without any medical intervention. But hey, I did my research. So back off.

   The most difficult part of an unmediated, all natural Home-Birth, is getting your family to trust the woman's body and go along with it. so many fears were brought up.What If something goes wrong? What if you can't handle the pain? What if your labor slows? What if the baby gets stuck? After looking into a lot of these things I the best way to avoid these complications was to go through a midwife! I learned SO MUCH through Yolanda (our CM) and was shocked to learn that almost all of the problems you can think of, are easily avoided if you are willing to do the work that comes along with it. I learned that MY body is perfectly capable of having babies. I came from many women who could have babies. If i focus on growing a healthy baby, lots of problems are solved before they can happen. Prevention of the problems that might come is the best thing you can do for both you and your baby. not intervention of drugs when the problem has already occurred. 
  The first thing I absolutely loved about a midwife is that i knew SHE would be the one (only one) attending my birth. I wouldn't get some switch up last minute. She also REALLY knew her stuff, and was so passionate about the birthing mother and their baby. She was passionate about what mom and baby need, and avoiding anything they didn't need.... which believe it or not is the bigger problem. 

We decided to do a water birth in a birth tub (actually a regular tub my brilliant father plumbed into a tub that can go in the middle of our living room:) I knew that the warm water would help me to relax, and learned that water takes the pressure off and prevents tearing---sounds good. no further questions there. We set up the tub, and waited for nature to take its course. [women are TERM from weeks 38-42]  40 weeks came and went. 41 weeks came and went. So many people were getting concerned for me and the baby. I was not concerned, just a little bored and upset i was using maternity leave to take care of a pregnant me, and not a baby like its supposed to be.[little did i know mammals carry their babies longer when a large portion of pregnancy is during a cold winter] If going through the hospital I probably would have been given the choice to be induced. I'm glad I didn't because an impatient woman [me] would have gone for it, and undergone possible complications related to being induced. Not being given those options, I was forced to wait it out until my baby came when she was ready. 9 days past 40 weeks.

around 40 weeks there was a day were several days i thought "this is it!" contractions every 10-15 minutes apart 30 seconds long.....all. day.  go to sleep, wake up...nothing. Sad day. I of course a little disappointed had to remind myself what my midwife said. "early labor is not labor, however it does mean something is happening. welcome those discomforts, and go on about your day." 

Friday morning I had my membranes stripped at the midwife appointment. All this means is that my body would release the last hormone of a 3 hormone cocktail. If the other 2 hormones -the one that says the baby's lungs are fully developed, and Oxycontin-  were already present, I would go into labor. If the baby was not ready, nothing would happen.
Saturday morning I woke up feeling sick and crummy. Realized I was in early labor with contractions 8 minutes apart, 45 seconds long. We balanced Activity with rest, and Bob did his job distracting me.

 We went to get sushi....
 made a Birthday Cake....

Watched TV, ate good food, Went to meijer....bought a strange assortment of things :/
 all whilst still very pregnant...and in labor
We kept in touch with Yolanda throughout the day to let her know how things were going.she gave me a call at 4:00 to check in and said that active labor might kick in after the sun goes down. 10pm rolled around and nothing seemed to be changing as i had hoped. I called Yolanda to basically tell her go to bed...nothing is changing. She told me to "drink some chamomile tea and try to get some rest. your body wont let you sleep if you went into active don't worry and go to sleep."   I drank the tea and figured well hey...if im going to relax I'm taking a fricken bath.. I was super stoked to get in that thing.
   As soon as i did things picked up a notch..or 7.  We called the midwife and said that active labor had begun. ( this is when the midwife would come or you would go to the hospital.) She told us to go for a walk and take a hot shower,. The next time we call will be when we want her to come. After those things were done I told Bob to make the call. he did and she said she would start getting her things together. I'm Glad she didn't come right away because it gave me another set of time to distract me, and I would have started to feel bad for her having to sit there and wait for this baby to get out of me.
    Yolanda arrived around 3:30 am. I was already back in the tub. She came in so quietly and I don't even remember her setting up her things "You're having a Baby!" she said. her calming voice seemed to be just what i needed at that point in time.   My body would have a contraction, and then I would almost fall asleep between them. Yolanda explained that that is natures hormones taking action as a natural endorphin. After an unknown to me amount of time, Yolanda had me get up and walk around the house. Tried some different laboring positions and Told me that now is when I need to welcome fullness and feeling the baby come down. After I started to feel that I was allowed to get back in that amazing tub. I remember Yolanda asking Bob to turn up the heat in the house a few times. I was hot, and thus looked at Yolanda like what the heck. She says "we need to keep him busy, hes getting emotional" (hahaha) 6:00 rolled around and I was dilated to 7. Yolanda had me try to push to further the dilation process. She made me this crazy birth tea that i was skeptical about...but HOLY MOLY did that stuff kick my butt! After another unknown amount of time, Active pushing began. It was exactly how Yolanda had explained it. "The most difficult thing you will ever do"
                                        ( i have drawn a suit on me for your own good)

I remember getting to a point where I thought "ok either I have to push this baby out, or i will stay in labor forever, and its going to be uncomfortable forever"  I remember telling everyone "I NEED A BREAK!" I asked Bob to put me down, and my crew just didn't seem to get it when I told them I wanted to go back to bed. ;) Yolanda knew that the time was close, and at 7:50 the last push took place. The cord was wrapped around baby's neck, but in less than a second she was untangled and wrapped up in my arms :)
 "I DID IT!" I said. "IM DONE! I DID IT!" After Bob and I stared at her for a while we decided to name her Margaret. She looked nothing like we imagined her to look like. Although Margaret was not top on our list, it was perfect for her. A little later the placenta was delivered and then it was time to hand this precious new life to her father. He was Beaming! After Yolanda helped me down the hall and into my own cozy bed. Bob and I got to just stare at her. enjoying every minute. Yolanda cleaned up and came in to look the baby over. She offered any help with nursing and did her newborn check. She explained what she was doing the whole time. She weighed her in a comfy sling, measured her. checked her joints, re-alined her spine. All in a peaceful manner not getting a whimper out of baby Margaret. And all right in front of us, in the middle of our  big warm bed. Margaret was handed back to me and Yolanda thanked us for allowing her to be part of our birth story. She never once claimed any credit for herself. She believes in the laboring woman. Giving birth is something a woman does. not something that happens to her or something someone else does for her.

Would I do another home birth? ABSOLUTELY! of course, ask me that in the first day after giving birth and my answer might have been....."an epidural next time please" but i KNOW what is Best for my baby and I. and i am SO GLAD i chose to do everything without even a dose of Tylenol. I wanted to experience birth. and I did! Just when i really though i couldn't go on and couldn't do it....I DID!  God created women to do this. To grow a baby in their body, to deliver a baby through their body, and then to nourish a baby with their body. Throughout the whole thing,  I really learned just how true this is. every little detail that goes into how birth works. when the baby takes their first breath, and how the body heals after such a strenuous work out. I am so happy we could stay in our own bed that night. I could eat what I wanted during birth. I could move around and not worry about being monitored. I learned to trust my body.  I loved my home-birth experience and think it will be very hard to wait another 3-5 years to work with Yolanda again. We will see ;)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Creative labels and a puff puff for the bum bum

You know you are 9 months pregnant when anyone you run into, stranger or not, asks the question "when are you due?" sometimes im tempted to say "EXCUSE ME! IM NOT PREGNANT!" and see their reaction.....because lets face it.. there is no hiding this big baby. Not even under bundles of warm winter coats or scarves. I am however liking how nice people are at the grocery store. people just...get out my way. FINALLY! ;) I want to buy a fake baby bump to wear just when i go shopping. People offer to take your cart from you, load your groceries, and smile so kindly. All as i strut waddle through the store, belly first.


I'm pretty proud of this pouf I made to pat some baby powder of this little baby's bum. I'm pretty jealous. 

While I was organizing, this is what Macy was up to. And whats a blog post without Macy anyway?

These adorable labels were made with sweet new paper i got, and i just couldn't resist finding another way to use it :) Plus this way the husband can find what I ask for :) :)

I took the paper a little too seriously....had to make this plastic drawer tote thingy (that I don't even really know what to put in it yet) cute too.  all the labels have clear packaging tape-cuz im cheap- over them so i can write with dry erase or sharpie (then nailpolish remover to remove)

Soft as a baby's bum


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tissue paper and hair bows

Some call me crazy, some call me dutch. I like to call me brilliantly colorful :)  I have been [teased] for keeping my tissue paper and gift bags that people wrap gifts in. At Christmas time you might find me snatching beautiful bows, and on my birthday i will most likely be seen sneaking the bows off my presents as i unwrap them. I'm a little sneaky thief....of my own things. I see it as this: WHY ON EARTH WOULD ANYONE SPEND 2$ ON A LOVELY BOW TO ONLY BE ENJOYED ONCE? its like  the wedding dress theory or something.  pure sadness. So if you ever receive a gift wrapped by me, in a bag you gave me in the first place...don't be offended. Be honored that your wrapping was worth keeping :) Well....Because of my hoarding problem or whatever you want to call it, I spent some time organizing and folding (yeah ok im a little crazy) colorful tissue paper and bags to place in this perfectly sized, empty drawer.  Be jealous.

 This past week I also spent some time making some cutesie little hair bows for this little bun. It was fun to shop my ribbon box ( of you guessed it....more stolen gift wrappings)

In the nursery I now have a "nursing basket" it has burp cloths, bibs, pacifiers,and some nursing pads. this way wherever Baby wants to eat, i can just grab this shnazy little ready-to-go basket with the necessities.

 Last, but not least. DRUM-ROLL PLEASE :)  A most adorable Hair Bow holder! (credit to Alexa Pratt for the idea to use these CUTE tiny little baby clothespins used at the baby shower yesterday.) I just had to find a way to use these little guys.. because well....why not!?  I took an old picture frame, mod-podged some pink fabric {leftover from the flower curtain tie backs} to the back. Then did another layer of that awesome glue on top of some copies of our most recent pics of our little bean. Lastly, hot glued some of the tiny clothes pins to the bottom of the frame. TA-DAA Frame hair bow holder thingy! I have other ideas yet to be worked out for the tiny hair bows that are not on a headband. you'll see :)

Bow snatching and Sonogram love, 

Monday, January 21, 2013


An update of the multiple changes happening around here...

This thing people call nesting is definitely a real thing.  On top of me already being a "nester" can you imagine what goes on with these hormones!?  I find myself folding meijer bags, washing walls, and cleaning anything else you can possibly imagine. I have organized the tools about 20 times (because we have a tool ninja who makes them disappear)  and somehow have emptied almost every bin of junk and sorted through it. My poor husband is getting confused why he has had to empty the garbage way more than normal. But man am i lucky. Bob has not complained once. He is so supportive! I couldn't ask for a better man!

Here are a few improvements from around the Molenhouse household:

Bob put together our lovely new sideboard from IKEA and mounted it on the wall-shnazy

 our COUCH CAME!!!! and we LOVE IT!!!! it is so cozy as i type this all wrapped up in a cozy blanky watching some tele with the husband :)

 bob took on the project of tearing down the wall for a few days to mount the TV.. and it a real house! we have a grown up home! yippeee!


Cloth diapers :) LOOK HOW COLORFUL!

 my homemade "wubbinubs" (when your baby spits the paci out, it stays near on their chest :)

and how can you not appreciate these adorable faces :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

30 weeks!

The seed was planted back in June, 30 weeks ago, and its hard to believe how far this little cupcake growing inside me has come.  The miracle of life becomes so apparent when you are growing life inside you, and with 10 weeks to go, I can’t wait for all of the questions that have been bouncing around my head to be answered.  Is it really a girl? What will she look like?  Be like?  Smell like?  Sounds like?  Feel like? Will she have hair? What color will her eyes be?  How will becoming a mother change me, us?  And most of all what I can’t wait for is to feel the overwhelming LOVE that comes at first sight, and watching my husband holding and loving our little cupcake.

30 weeks down, 10 more to go.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The hormones have hit the fan

You know you are in your third trimester when this happens:

 Last night after realizing how hungry I was at 10:30 at night( after a long day shopping with my mom and sisters:) I got up to make a snack. I made jimmy dean sandwiches, a toaster strudel, and spooned myself a bowl of frozen yogurt. Got in bed. Unwrapped my jimmy dean sandwiches to find that all the delicious gooey ness of the cheese had magically crawled off my now nasty ham on biscuit, onto the paper towel. And died. After getting over the fact that I couldn't even microwave something correctly, I devoured...and moved on. Frosting my toaster strudel was way more fun than it usually is! Usually the frosting gets so melty that the cool designs you make are just a big ugly blob by the time you finish. But this time it was so pretty. I was so proud and anticipated the deliciousness of my first bite. COLD. Dumb. I began to weep. I could not even make food for own my hungry tummy. Not even freezer to toaster or freezer to microwave meals. "How am I going to be a mother?" I thought. After bob laughing histaricly at the sillyness of pregmones, he was nice enough to get up, and make me some tasty pepper jack grilled cheese on Vienna bread. We decided he should start a restaurant, and I hit the pillow.

 All is well. Until....

At 5 am I lay awake this morning thinking about all the things that I have not done yet to prepare for the arrival of someone so special. I must still be very young and naive to have thoroughly thought through how my shower routine will be quicker when I am a mother, and have yet to purchase something for my daughter! Even after a day of shopping, my selfish self needs to be slapped. Today I go to GR for an appointment with the midwife, and shopping for maternity clothes with the mother in law after. More all about me. :( I mean.... I am just wearing my sisters jeans that are bigger than normal so they button, and the shirts that cover my belly are cycling around from the wash machine to my body. But I am really looking forward to maybe going into kohls, and buying something for my daughter. It sounds so cute and now I think I get why I was so spoiled growing up. I mean. My mom did have the practice of 3 girls before me. So it's no wonder she is a champ at it. She STILL surprises me with things well after I have moved out and am on my own. From the most scrumptious bars to christmas garlands to clothes for my unborn baby. (Which I, the MOTHER have not yet managed.) I hope today I can find a little peace. I pray my mind is eased and I will ask God about what i have in my arms before a purchase as I shop. I am so blessed to have people that are so supportive, and a God that is so much bigger than my problems. Someone is always there for me. Whether I need a hug, my mothers bars, or peace. Someone out there is willing to help. And someone else out there is much much bigger than me. Why do I need to worry when I know God loves me more than my human friends are capable of. This week I pray for rest. Not the sleepy kind, but rest in God an the reminders of what I already know. There is a much bigger picture and I already know who wins the war. :)

 Pink ruffles and bulging bellies


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Last room!

Had another ultrasound! Confirmed a little Girl Cupcake is going to arrive in a few months! How exciting! yet so nerve racking! this morning i woke up and thought to myself...I'm readying myself for the birth so much, i don't think i have thought about actually having a little one!Oh dear! haha.I hope this is just part of how God plans us to be prepared for things but mostly just trust him.. the hormones in our body that have us prepare for the baby is crazy! from nesting to being ready to nurse. its so amazing~

On another note!!!!! BOB AND I JUST PICKED THE LAST FEW SHEETS OF DRYWALL! WE ARE GOING TO FINISH THIS BABY!!! So much to do! so little time!

-run ceiling fan vent
-add electrical outlet for fridge
- drylock
-lay a floor
- finishing everything
-hanging curtains

Well... back to work!

baby hiccups and hard work