Monday, January 21, 2013


An update of the multiple changes happening around here...

This thing people call nesting is definitely a real thing.  On top of me already being a "nester" can you imagine what goes on with these hormones!?  I find myself folding meijer bags, washing walls, and cleaning anything else you can possibly imagine. I have organized the tools about 20 times (because we have a tool ninja who makes them disappear)  and somehow have emptied almost every bin of junk and sorted through it. My poor husband is getting confused why he has had to empty the garbage way more than normal. But man am i lucky. Bob has not complained once. He is so supportive! I couldn't ask for a better man!

Here are a few improvements from around the Molenhouse household:

Bob put together our lovely new sideboard from IKEA and mounted it on the wall-shnazy

 our COUCH CAME!!!! and we LOVE IT!!!! it is so cozy as i type this all wrapped up in a cozy blanky watching some tele with the husband :)

 bob took on the project of tearing down the wall for a few days to mount the TV.. and it a real house! we have a grown up home! yippeee!


Cloth diapers :) LOOK HOW COLORFUL!

 my homemade "wubbinubs" (when your baby spits the paci out, it stays near on their chest :)

and how can you not appreciate these adorable faces :)

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